Custom Color Technology
When you decide to invest in a custom kitchen design by Showcase Kitchens in Long Island, you want the kitchen of your dreams. You want the best materials, top-of-the-line appliances, and a space that is customized to your needs and wants. You may want built-in shelves, a custom kitchen cabinet for the kids’ snacks, or a spice rack right next to your stove. You want your custom kitchen island to have a sink, fridge, and a shelf for your cookbooks. And you want a breakfast nook or bar where you can sit with a friend in a casual atmosphere and enjoy a cup of coffee together. But what will really make your custom kitchen design stand out from the crowd is a custom color scheme. After all, white and black can get tiresome after a while, and you love color. But which color to choose? When you partner with Showcase Kitchens in Long Island, we can tailor your kitchen to your choosing, including color scheme. Contact us today to learn more!
Warm or cold or a little of both? Color evokes mood, so it’s important when choosing a custom kitchen color scheme to think of what you want to feel like when you step into your kitchen. Do you want your custom kitchen design to feel warm and inviting? Do you want a more energetic feel with a little edge to it? Perhaps you want a blending of both for that magic feel?
Color can highlight architectural details or transform dated cabinetry, and a two-tone color scheme works really well. Here are some classic suggestions.
Two shades of the same color. This is a tried-and-true approach to custom kitchen colors that never fails. In a large custom kitchen design, you can have the darker hue be highlighted, such as your custom kitchen island, and the lighter shade can hug the perimeter. The lighter color will also highlight your kitchen appliances nicely.
Classic Christmas. There’s a reason green and red are paired at Christmas; they go good together. Choose muted colors for each and then add a warming color or texture (such as a wood custom kitchen island, ceiling, and/or floor) for a custom kitchen color scheme you’ll never want to leave. When Showcase Kitchens in Long Island designs a custom kitchen, we want you to love it so much you’ll never leave.
Green and white. When you pair a classic color, such as green, with white, you’ll get a crisp, clean feeling to your custom kitchen design. By sprinkling your classic color throughout the kitchen, you’ll invite the eye to travel around the room and soak in the cozy feeling this color scheme imbibes. The trick with white is to make sure it doesn’t blur out your kitchen’s details.
Blue and blue. Bold blue with a muted blue will make your custom kitchen pop. Throw in the right custom kitchen countertops, such as a deep black or ebo or a granite kitchen countertop with black granite, and your custom kitchen design will sizzle.
Two intense colors. Have you ever been stopped in your tracks when a bright red is tastefully designed with black? When you choose two intense colors, such as red and black, you’ll be sure to invoke thought. The caveat here is balance. You’ll need a lighter color, be it a lighter wood in the floor or lighter kitchen countertops to avoid a heavy, weighty feeling in your kitchen.
Gray goes with everything. Gray is a color that will go with any color. You can use gray as an accent or as a color to disappear. However, if you want to highlight the gray itself, you’re going to have to choose a bold color from your custom kitchen color palette, such as fiery orange. The bold color will highlight the gray, which is perfect if there is an item in your custom kitchen you want noticed, say your paintings on the wall.
Vibrant and sunny. If you want your kitchen to say “Good morning” every morning to you, you’re going to have to do two things: 1) choose yellow 2) choose another vibrant color to go with yellow. One of Showcase Kitchens’ favorite color schemes in the kitchen is lemon and lime. Balance this with stainless steel appliances, a wood finish and perhaps some black thrown in. Not every kitchen can pull this one custom kitchen color off, but we love it when it happens. Red and yellow is another color scheme that Showcase Kitchens loves. Balanced perfectly with the right dimensions, red and yellow can be a show-stopper when done right.
Cornflower and yellow. For a more serious tone, choose cornflower blue and yellow. While still bright and cheery, the cornflower color itself mutes the cheeriness. You can compare this to receiving a carnation instead of a rose. This color scheme is great for everyday use, especially if you spend a lot of time in your custom kitchen because it will keep you on the cheery side without being obnoxious.
Farmhouse kitchen. To invoke the comforting feeling of a farmhouse, Showcase Kitchens in Long Island suggests keeping your color scheme to muted colors but still on the bright side. Try a jade or a mint green with a very light yellow, such as buttermilk.
Color is very important when doing a custom kitchen design. When you partner with Showcase Kitchens in Long Island, we’ll help you choose the color palette that is right for your kitchen. We’ve been creating custom kitchen designs since 1933, and we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to bring you the best custom kitchen design. Our mission is to bring your custom kitchen design dreams to fruition. Through leveraging our talents and skills, we’ll bring you the best in kitchen appliances and kitchen contractors. We’ll arrange all the details and take all the stress off your plate. When it’s finished, you’ll have a beautiful addition to your home to enjoy. Contact us today for a custom kitchen design quote!