Ways to Make Your Kitchen Seem Bigger

Your kitchen is the heart of your home. It’s where you spend a majority of your time, putting love into your labor of making meals. Who doesn't want more love in your life? Expanding your kitchen doesn't need to require tearing down any walls. With some special adjustments, you can make your kitchen look bigger without breaking the bank.

At Showcase Kitchens, we have been providing solutions to homeowners for nearly a century. Make the heart of your home more warm and optimize your kitchen design. Contact us today to see how we can help you get more out of less.

Let the Light Shine On

Natural and artificial lighting draws attention and attracts the human eye so maximizing the amount you can let in is crucial. For instance, if you have curtains over your windows, consider removing them or replacing them with sheer curtains. Extra light will showcase the cleanliness and organization of your kitchen and disperse any shadows that might distract the eye.

Shadows tend to congregate between the top of your cabinets and the ceiling, so if you are able to install lighting above the cabinets, this will give the appearance of a larger kitchen. The visual contrast of light vs. dark will be increased with a more r illuminated kitchen.

Appliances can make a difference too, since if they have a shiny appearance, they can reflect light and make your kitchen feel bigger. Any material that can be transparent, such as cabinet doors, should be included, because the transparency allows light through.

Open Shelving Replaces Cabinets

To really bring everything into the open, consider open shelves. This allows you to get creative while ridding your kitchen of cabinets. Everything that normally would reside in a cabinet would be on a shelf, bringing  a unique style and comfort to your kitchen. Your dishware could be a couple shelves down from your china tea set next to your condiments or a glass jar of brown rice.

You may be leaving your comfort zone by putting your kitchen collection in the open, but your kitchen’s wall space would be unencumbered by clunky cabinets. It’s a trade-off that will leave your kitchen feeling airy, open, and larger in appearance.

Expand Floor Space and Declutter

Your kitchen can quickly fill up with appliances, tables, chairs, kitchen island, or even a china cabinet. Depending on your household’s needs, you may be able to replace the table and chairs with a barstool and counter. This would open a great amount of space in your kitchen as well as allow greater mobility.

Downsizing appliances might also help you save space. If you’re able to use smaller appliance models, this could open up space in your kitchen while also saving on energy costs. Perhaps some appliances, such as a toaster or blender, are no longer necessary due to lifestyle changes. Microwaves are a good example of where a smaller model may do exactly what you want while simultaneously saving space in your kitchen.

Another overlooked opportunity to open your kitchen is to keep your countertops clutter-free. This means finding homes for your cookbooks, spices, or anything that sits out into flexible storage racks or shelving. This will give the appearance of a larger kitchen while helping you stay more organized.

For decades, Showcase Kitchens has been developing creative and inventive ways to make kitchens grow in appearance. By making a few adjustments, you could experience your kitchen and rediscover it in a new way. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

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